NETWORK FILTER DESIGNATED REQUIREMENT = identifier ". Implementing a configuration profile as follows has done the trick: But through continued persistence combined with trail and error I've eventually manage to put together a solution that works. EMS, Managed AP, Managed Switches, Sandbox have.

I had been Googling for over a week with no success and found Fortinet support to be useless when reached out to them. FortiClients Security Fabric Integration, ensures that all fabric components FortiGate, FortiAnalyzer. NETWORK FILTER DESIGNATED REQUIREMENT = identifier "" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1 /* exists */ and certificate leaf /* exists */ and certificate leaf = AH4XFXJ7DK SOCKET FILTER DESIGNATED REQUIREMENT = identifier "" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1 /* exists */ and certificate leaf /* exists */ and certificate leaf = AH4XFXJ7DK But through persistence combined with trial and error I have now found that implementing the following settings as part of a configuration profile does the trick for macOS:įILTER NAME = .webfilter Googling for over a week didn't really help & Fortinet support was pretty useless when reached out to them.